Research, UX/UI

Patient Empowerment x IBM Watson Health

Spring 2020


Identify a human-centered problem and design solutions that leverage the power of IBM Watson to address issues of health data management and ownership.


How might the design of a multi-modal user interface use Watson capabilities to empower patients of Crohn’s disease to effectively manage their condition over time?


Research + Discovery

Our team conducted research through literature reviews and interviews to understand the patient experience of Crohn’s disease and identify potential design opportunities. We then developed user personas, scenarios, and journey maps to guide our investigation.

Insights + Concept Development

Through the research + discovery phase, our team identified pain points and proposed two possible project directions to the IBM team through storyboards + low-fidelity wireframes.

Pain Points

  1. Timely access to relevant information

  2. Understanding test results

  3. Tracking dynamic factors

Concept 01 Scenario

Procedure Prep

Personalized, guided instructions delivered to patients over the course of a few days in anticipation of an upcoming procedure like a colonoscopy.

Concept 02 Scenario

Accessing Documents

Accessing medical documents like lab reports in one centralized location and exploring information relevant to the patient’s unique needs.

Final Product Development

After receiving feedback from the IBM team + Crohn’s patients through user testing, we further developed one concept around just-in-time information access and procedure prep using a virtual companion.



Corey: A Crohn’s Companion

Corey is a virtual koala companion that serves as a proxy to the user through their shared experiences of Crohn’s disease. Their level of engagement responds to the unique needs of the user over time.


Lara’s doctor recommends she get an app called Corey, a Crohn’s companion app, to help prepare her for her first colonoscopy. She downloads it and sets up her account. After a few weeks, Corey notifies her about the upcoming procedure.


Key Features

  1. Data Input

    Corey gathers data around pain levels and more through quick, daily interactions on a smartwatch or mobile device.

  2. IoT Connections

    Corey taps into the functionality of other apps like reminders, notes, and calendars to create a personalized, seamless experience.

  3. More Than Just Prep

    Corey is a companion for the daily experience of Crohn’s disease and grows with the patient over time.

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Haiti Goat Project x Social Innovation Fellows